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Management Team

John Aston

Location: Cheshire
Favourite Bait: Choc Banana Nut Mix

PB Mirror: Quite Big
PB Common: Slightly Smaller

Favourite North West Venue: Petty Pool
Favourite Southern Venue: River Thames

I started carp fishing properly the year I passed my driving test (1988) on Lymm Dam, Shakerley Mere and Poynton Pool. In the early 2000s, I started to travel a bit further afield to Oxfordshire, mainly fishing club waters on recommendation and also the River Thames on the London Anglers Association ticket and quite a few free stretches. Had a dabble on Redesmere in mid 2000s but wasn't keen on the clique that had the habit of spoiling the place. I almost always fished alone until Oli, my son was old enough to come along which gave me the freedom to fish where I wanted without having to think about what a fishing partner would want to do. I have never weighed fish, I am more interested in the whole process of finding new waters, planning, travelling, meeting new people to let numbers get in the way.

I originally got involved with Impulse through Neil. He asked me if Oli was interested in coming on board with the bait. I got to know Chris and after a short time realised we were singing from the same hymn sheet and became involved with the social media side of the business. One thing led to another and here we are now.
